Sunday, December 12, 2010

It Hurts

So, not like the Holidays are hard enough without my husband, my heart is hurting especially tonight. Tonight is Children's Memorial, where we light a candle for those we love and have lost in remembrance..... tomorrow is my birthday... for the rest of my life, it will be this way... WHY??? I ask so many times... I am a good person I say, I do good things I say, then I think I must be a failure..... Still working through it all. I think I will always be angry. It is unfair to carry a child you know will die when you give birth. Birth is supposed to be a joyous time... The last I had was so far from that. I am reminded of the innocence when my 4 year old daughter still does not understand.... how do explain something you don't even understand yourself?? I still think of J in milestones like so many parents with their children... I guess it is just a pity party for me tonight... But I feel that I am entitled... No one seems to understand my pain fully, which I get that too.... I know everyone felt pain, I empathize with them too, trust me.... I just have to vent every once and a while... I feel cleansed when I write here... I feel like I am able to say what I need to without judgment. I appreciate all who read and support me. All my love, xoxoxoxo

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Angel J

August 7th, 2010

So here we are, 7 days from the "anniversary" (I hate that word in this context) of J earning his angel wings. We call him "J"... I think that is what I would have called him. I am exceptionally missing my husband over this time. Only a year ago I was still pregnant, and now it has been a year of mourning. Well, I guess a lot of time was spent in denial and other stuff too.... I will say that I am very happy with my life, I think of my son everyday, and the tears are fewer and fewer. The hole inside of my chest is just exceptionally huge right now. I jokingly told Greg he needed to leave the Army... was really joking, but I am so over this deployment already. I still have not settled J's things materialistally; but all in good time. I want to make a shadow box of his clothing, but not until I don't want to hold it anymore. I am not willing to rush myself with anything ever anymore... My son has taught me more about stepping back and really feeling and enjoying life to the best of one's abilities at that moment. How often do we take a second to really feel each thing happening to us, and in those seconds really take it all in?? Now I stamp certain points in my life, and take special note, and feel it all, and put it away cause it was a very good moment. When we suffer so greatly, for so long, for the one thing we want most, our children to be born healthy and happy, one must take something positive out of the experience right?? Or otherwise, seriously, what was the f'n point......I often think to myself all those wonderful cliques that I can't stand... God doesn't give you more than you can handle.... I know how you feel.... Time heals all wounds... etc etc....

Feel like I am rambling now.......... Probably will post a lot this week... feels better to let those that love me and I love to know how I am feeling...
xoxo to you all!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

A Hard Question

Until Jonathan I thought the question, "How many children do you have?" was just an innocent question that one would use to get to know you better or to catch up. Everytime I am faced with that question part of my soul freezes; it is hard to always know how to answer that question. There are so many variables that come into play when someone asks. They also don't mean to inflict pain upon you, it is meant to be an innocent question. I don't know that this question will ever get easier to answer, because my reponse to most people is 1, a daughter. Part of me then feels as though I am not cherishing my son's memory, but I also remind myself that it is very personal, and no matter what I tell people, I am always cherishing him. Sometimes it is not for others to see into my heart at that time. Anyone that knows me well knows, and they support me, and that is all that matters.
I know I have not posted much lately, I am still trying to find "Up"... I also know that will take time, and everyday that I am trying is a good day.